Global Dynamics and Teamwork: Strategic Purchasing at weba

Dietach, Steyr - Ivana Vujica, our expert in Strategic Purchasing, is a woman of action and balance. Her career is characterized by a deep passion for international business and German philosophy. Originally from Serbia, Ivana decided to study German - not only out of love for the language, but also to improve her career opportunities in internationally operating companies.


Ivana has now been part of the weba team in Dietach for 17 years and particularly appreciates the international orientation of the company. The process orientation and structured order that weba pursues fit perfectly with her need for an orderly and effective working environment. The open and tolerant culture at weba offers a modern workplace with plenty of prospects.

„I find it exciting that weba operates internationally despite its location in a small village and offers enough room for diversity and growth. The company gives everyone who wants to the opportunity to prove themeselves and grow.“

Ivana Vujica, Strategic Purchasing

Never a Monotonous Moment

Despite routine tasks such as placing orders or writing urgent requests, Ivana's day-to-day work is constantly enriched by new projects and challenges. Whether it's cross-location collaboration, international procurement, new applications and processes or difficult market conditions due to price increases and shortages of resources and products - the variety of technical and commercial tasks always offers opportunities to learn new things and develop personally.

Focus on Fairness and Further Development

Wherever people work together, fairness, clear communication and well-structured processes play a crucial role, as they make work much easier. But even in the face of difficulties, it is important to act objectively and in a solution-oriented manner - and this applies not only in purchasing, but in every professional field. In Ivana's opinion, openness to improvement and the flexibility to adapt processes when necessary should be central components of every profession and every corporate philosophy.

„Helpfulness, expertise and a shared spirit of problem-solving within the company enable growth in the face of challenges rather than frustration. It is inspiring to be part of a team that overcomes difficulties together and always strives for improvement.“

Ivana Vujica, Strategic Purchasing

What she particularly likes about weba

  • Internationality
  • Discipline
  • Opportunities
  • Tolerance

Work-Life-Balance through Yoga and Family

A balanced life is the key to Ivana's success. She finds her balance through yoga, running, reading and movie nights. Her family is always at the forefront as a source of strength and inspiration.

Advice for Young Talents

Ivana recommends that young talents who are at the beginning of their professional careers take a close look at IT and PC skills. In a world where new technologies and applications are constantly being developed and digitalization plays a central role, solid computer skills are essential. She also advises encouraging initiative and independence. The ability to stay motivated and actively seek solutions is crucial to succeed in today's dynamic and often challenging world of work. These skills make it possible to react flexibly to changes and to develop continuously.
