From Trainee to IT Manager: Jörg Mitterhuber's Path to Success at weba Werkzeugbau

Dietach, Steyr - Jörg Mitterhuber began his studies in 2002 with a big question mark: should he dedicate himself to technical mathematics or computer science? In the end, computer science won out, and this decision steered Jörg's life in an exciting direction. While still a student, Jörg completed several internships at weba Werkzeugbau from 2005 and decided to stay. In 2008, he joined the company permanently and continued his studies part-time.

Today, Jörg is responsible for the IT departments at all three weba locations. His working day begins with a “good morning check” of the systems. After checking the reports from the automatic system monitoring, he assigns the open helpdesk tickets to the teams in Dietach and Olomouc. He then devotes himself to planning and implementing strategic projects - a particularly exciting part of his job that gives him a lot of freedom in terms of IT structure and time management.

“Forward-looking planning of the IT infrastructure is crucial to ensure that the company is also equipped for future developments.”

Jörg Mitterhuber, Head of IT

Freedom of decision and technical challenges

At a time when the digital world is developing rapidly and automation and digitalization are gaining in importance, IT must always keep its finger on the pulse. Innovation cycles are becoming ever shorter and the demands for efficiency and flexibility are constantly increasing. Companies that want to keep pace with this must not only modernize their IT infrastructure, but also make it agile in order to be able to react quickly to market changes. This forward-looking planning is crucial to ensure that the company not only meets current requirements, but is also optimally equipped for future developments.

As part of the team at weba Werkzeugbau, Jörg has the opportunity to not only follow the company's automation and digitalization steps, but to actively help shape them. Although such projects often entail major challenges, it is precisely these challenges that make the job so exciting and varied.


Jörg fondly remembers the introduction of 3D design at weba in the early 2000s. This changeover was not only a technical milestone, but also brought with it a flood of data that had to be stored long-term for the supply of spare parts. The need to develop well thought-out archiving systems quickly became apparent. At that time, large volumes of data still posed considerable difficulties, which are hardly worth mentioning today with modern fiber optic networks.


“It is fascinating to follow the development of systems and data volumes over the years and to see the improvements that have been made. With today's modern fiber optic networks, data volumes and archiving are no longer such a big challenge.”

Jörg Mitterhuber, Head of IT

Jörg is on duty around the clock in the event of failures and is always on hand when there's a “fire”. He ensures that all security vulnerabilities that could threaten the company's business operations are rectified and that operations continue to run smoothly.

Complexity and change

The IT world requires a constant confrontation with complex issues and the search for customized solutions. Regardless of whether we are talking about system launches, migrations or technological developments - it is a demanding world. This is true in general, but especially at weba. Our IT infrastructure is a multi-layered working environment, as an exceptionally large number of software solutions have been specially programmed for weba in development partnerships. However, our company is constantly changing: processes are being optimized and workflows adapted. These changes must be constantly integrated into our software.

But every day also offers new learning opportunities. The implementation of projects and the search for solutions make the job exciting. IT projects at weba are diverse and require a lot of responsibility, but also offer development opportunities due to their complexity and the insight into other areas. IT is involved in almost all departments, be it setting up control systems, managing storage and servers, managing telephone systems or cloud systems.

The social IT team

Jörg likes to contradict the cliché that all IT people are nerds. His team at weba is usually fully represented at company events and team events.

Works Council

In addition to his role as Head of IT, Jörg is also active as a works council member and is committed to the interests of his colleagues. In this role, he represents the interests of the workforce, ensures a good working atmosphere and provides support with questions and problems.


Jörg is a real all-rounder who enjoys working on a wide variety of projects alongside his main job. Whether it's programming the heating control system, modernizing the access system and the fresh air system, installing e-charging stations or integrating new companies and providing support with building planning - Jörg takes on every project with enthusiasm. His versatility and technical expertise make him an indispensable member of the weba team.

Family man and adventurer

Flexible time management enables Jörg to juggle work and family well. This is particularly important as Jörg and his wife both work full-time despite having three sons. In his free time, Jörg spends a lot of time with his family, be it on bike rides, hikes in the mountains, short trips or traveling to faraway places.

Advice for young people

Jörg advises young people to look for an industry with growth potential and to consider their own personality. Those who like to make a difference and want to be involved should choose companies that offer creative freedom and responsibility. It is also important to complete what you have started, be it a degree or an apprenticeship.
