Innovation in the Machine Park: weba Expands its Machining Capacities

Dietach, Austria - The machine park at weba Werkzeugbau in Dietach has grown once again. The new 5-axis machining center DMF 360/11 has arrived and significantly expands the portfolio in the field of high-precision machining.

DMF 360 traveling column machine

  • Max. X-axis travel 3,600 mm
  • Max. Y-axis travel 1,100 mm
  • Max. Z-axis travel 900 mm

Precision and quality are of the utmost importance in the manufacture of forming and punching tools, especially in view of the increasing demands of the automotive industry. To meet these challenges, weba Werkzeugbau GmbH has purchased the state-of-the-art DMF 360/11 5-axis machining center. This machine enables the production of even more precise and complex workpieces and machines components from five sides in a single clamping operation, which both increases accuracy and significantly shortens production times.

Technical highlights of the DMF 360/11

The DMF 360/11 offers impressive technical specifications that make it a valuable addition to the machine fleet:

  • Large working range: the machine has a generous travel range of 3,600 mm in the X-axis, 1,100 mm in the Y-axis and 900 mm in the Z-axis.
  • High load capacity: Thanks to its robust design, the DMF 360/11 can process workpieces weighing up to 5,000 kg with high precision.
  • Efficient tool management: A traveling magazine with 120 tool positions ensures short chip-to-chip times and significantly increases productivity.
  • Flexible machining: The machine can machine very long components and is equipped with an insertable partition wall for pendulum operation. This enables simultaneous machining on one side and clamping of new workpieces on the other.

Thanks to the increased precision and shorter processing times, the individual needs and requirements of the customer can be met even more efficiently. The efficient zero-point clamping system further contributes to increased productivity by minimizing non-productive times. This strengthens the company's position as a reliable partner in the automotive industry and underlines its commitment to the highest quality and innovation.

Forward-looking investments

The continuous expansion of the machine park is part of weba's long-term strategy to always be able to offer customers the best and most modern technologies. The DMF 360/11 represents a further milestone in the development of production capacities and secures the company's leading position in the field of forming technology. This deliberate investment in new machines demonstrates the company's ambition not only to remain competitive, but also to continuously improve its performance and meet customer requirements in the best possible way.

With the new 5-axis moving column machining center DMF 360/11, the Dietach site is gaining considerably in performance. This investment underlines weba's commitment to technological innovation and precision. The company will continue to offer its customers tailor-made, high-quality solutions in the future.

Stay tuned - there is still a lot to come at weba!

About weba Werkzeugbau

weba Werkzeugbau GmbH is at the forefront of innovation and quality in the automotive industry, specializing in the production of highly complex stamping and forming tools for the precise pressing of vehicle components. With two locations and 300 dedicated employees, weba has a strong presence in Europe. The headquarters and development center in Dietach, Austria, are the heart of the company, where talented developers and engineers work tirelessly on advanced forming technologies and train the next generation of professionals. The site in Olomouc, Czech Republic, complements weba's portfolio with its 20 years of expertise in the production of complex hot forming tools, further cementing the company's role as an indispensable partner for OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers.

Machining Technology Innovations